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更新時間:2023-03-13   點擊次數(shù):519次

首先恭賀中國農(nóng)業(yè)大學譚鵬老師使用恒遠生物自主品牌ELISA試劑盒在《Nano Today》quan威期刊上發(fā)表的SCI文獻——Manipulation of hydrophobic motifs and optimization of sequence patterns to design high stability peptides against piglet bacterial infections順利通過,IF影響因子高達18.962分!其次恭喜譚鵬老師成功贏取了恒遠生物獎學金,也感謝譚老師對恒遠生物的信任與支持。


【文獻標題】Manipulation of hydrophobic motifs and optimization of sequence patterns to design high stability peptides against piglet bacterial infections

【作者單位】中國農(nóng)業(yè)大學(China Agricultural University)





【關(guān)鍵詞】Antibacterial biomaterials ,High stability ,Manipulation of hydrophobic motifs ,Optimization of sequence patterns ,In vivo efficacy


【出版期刊】《Nano Today》


Healthy female weaned piglets (Duroc × Landrace × Large white, weighing ≈ 8 kg) were randomly divided into four groups (5 per group). One group of healthy piglets received no treatment and served as a control. Piglets in the other three groups were intraperitoneally injected with 15 mL of E. coli ATCC25922 with an OD600 = 0.15, and 2 h later, they were given an intraperitoneal injection of saline, peptide HLFP-5 (2.5 mg/kg), or HLWP-4 (2.5 mg/kg), respectively, with an injection volume of 10 mL. After 12 h, all piglets were euthanized. The blood of all piglets was collected and the levels of inflammatory factors in serum were determined by the ELISA method. The inflammatory factor kit was purchased from Shanghai Hengyuan Biological Technology Co., Ltd. Partial livers, kidneys, spleens, and lungs of bacteria-infected piglets were collected for bacterial enumeration studies by standardized localization. Furthermore, some organ samples of piglets were stained with H&E for histological examination.





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